Thursday, May 20, 2010

Continue Badlands Nat'l Park--5-16-10

Driving anywhere in this country is beautiful. The Badlands was beautiful in its own way. The buttes, spires and mounds where you could see their different layers and different colors. That land is very porous and it looses an inch every year. They estimate that within 500,000 years it will all be gone. As we drove thru we saw plenty of cute prarie dogs, pronghorn antelope, deer, and bison(very upclose) and that was cool. We didn't see any young yet but they were their fur.

We also went to Wall, S.D. where it all started with Wall Drug and giving free water to the passing people. That was how he got people started coming to his store and it continues to this day. It is a block long, I think, and has a very large eating area, a ice cream shop and lots more even in the backyard as they call it. The towns out here are so western and independent. The good part is they are individual store owners and the bad is it is hard to find some of the chain stores we have come to depend upon. You have to go to the larger cities which are very, very infrequent. But of the two I would truly prefer the individual owner stores.

We go from here to Hill City, S.D. which is the area close to Mt. Rushmore.

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