Friday, April 23, 2010

Birding in Louisana 4-20 & 22-10

The first day I went to Sabine National Wildlife Refuge which is marsh. There were two large trails to walk and then just a pull off between them. I thought I was in birder heaven. I took both binoculars and my birding scope 20-30 birds and many of those I either have never seen or seldom. Brilliant colors--they were having a field day eating the mulberries. It was nice to talk with other birders along the way. The pull off saw others I had not seen and then I went to the third area and it was an even longer walk. I love my foldable 3 legged stool. The next day I had to rest because my back was so tired. On the 22nd I went looking for another area-did not find it but found Peveto Woods Sanctuary and saw other new birds--just took my time. Drove along the beach for a long way looking for the other place. Maybe next time.

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